Script Commands
Commands are used within triggers to create gameplay effects, from revealing locations to spawning attack waves or even changing an AI's difficulty mid-game.
- 1 List of Commands
- 1.1 ActivateTrigger
- 1.2 AreaIndicator
- 1.3 AttackAttackMove
- 1.4 AttackUnit
- 1.5 Camera
- 1.6 CaptureNearest
- 1.7 CaptureNearestNext
- 1.8 ChangeAIDifficulty
- 1.9 ChangeAIPersonality
- 1.10 DestroyBuilding
- 1.11 DestroyUnit
- 1.12 Dialog
- 1.13 Entry
- 1.14 EndMission
- 1.15 GrantStuff
- 1.16 GrantTech
- 1.17 HidePanel
- 1.18 LetterBox
- 1.19 MoveUnit
- 1.20 Objective
- 1.21 Restrict
- 1.22 Reveal
- 1.23 SpawnBuilding
- 1.24 SpawnUnit
- 1.25 Var
List of Commands
ActivateTrigger activates another trigger (also can be used to activate the trigger it is called from, making a repeating trigger).
- Target - This is the name of another trigger that will be set from Inactive to Active.
AreaIndicator places a visible indicator on the map to help the player know where they should go to.
- Name - The name of the area.
- Position - The center of the area.
- Color - The color the area indicator is. [ Green | Blue | Red ]
- Size - How big the area indicator will be.
- Duration - How long the area indicator should last, -1 means that it lasts forever.
AttackAttackMove orders an army to move to a specific area, engaging enemies along the way.
- Name - The name of the army that will be given the order.
- Repeat - Whether to repeat the order. Use with multiple AttackAttackMove commands to create a patrol path.
- Position - Where the army is ordered to move to.
AttackUnit orders an army to attack a specific script-spawned unit.
- Name - The name of the unit to do the attacking
- Target - The name of the unit to be attacked
Camera moves the player's view to a specific area.
- Position - Where the camera will be looking.
- Snap - Set to 1 to move the camera instantly, instead of panning
- Speed - Scalar for how fast the camera will move, compared to clicking on the minimap. 0.5 for half speed, 2 for double, etc.
- Unit - Follow a specific script-spawned unit. Do not use Position if you use this.
- Building - Follow a specific script-spawned building. Do not use Position if you use this.
- Save - Save the current camera settings. Useful if you want to show the player something and then move the camera back to whatever they were looking at.
- Load - Load the last saved camera settings. Use with Save. May cause a crash if you haven't previously saved a camera position.
- RTP - Distance, rotation and pitch of the camera.
- The first number is distance. 1000 is a fairly tight shot, 2500 is a fairly typical gameplay zoom
- Second number is rotation. 0 points the camera north, 90 east, 180 south, 270 west.
- Third number is pitch. 40-50 are typical gameplay angles. 90 would be straight down. Note that anything lower than 40 can cause the engine to load a lot more terrain and models than it's designed to, so use with caution.
CaptureNearest orders an army to clear its order queue and capture the nearest neutral or enemy-controlled region (note: ordered unit will stop moving if region is captured before it gets there).
- Name - The name of the unit to do the capturing
- Repeat - Whether to repeat the order (indefinitely)
CaptureNearestNext orders an army to capture the nearest neutral or enemy-controlled region.
- Name - The name of the unit to do the capturing
- Repeat - Whether to repeat the order (indefinitely)
ChangeAIDifficulty changes an AI player's difficulty setting.
- Player - The index of the player to change
- Difficulty - The name of the difficulty to set it to
ChangeAIPersonality changes an AI player's personality.
- Player - The index of the player to change
- Name - The name of the personality to set it to (defined in \Assets\GameCore\DefaultPlayerAI.xml)
DestroyBuilding destroys a specific script-spawned building.
- Name - The name of the building to be destroyed.
DestroyUnit destroys a specific script-spawned unit.
- Name - The name of the unit to be destroyed.
Dialog creates a popup that can convey information or story to the player. Use with <Entry> tags.
Entry is the actual text that will be displayed. Use only within <Dialog> tags.
- Text - The actual text that is displayed. Corresponds to an entry in a .csv file in \Assets\UIText\
- Icon - The icon used with the text popup. Hard-coded to correspond to Ashes characters, and changes the text color to match.
- Mac
- Haalee
- Vexen
- Valen
- Artix
- Ventrix
- Athena
- Narrator
- Agememnon
- Agethon
EndMission used to force a win or loss of the scenario.
- Victory - Set to 0 to lose the scenario or 1 to win.
- String - The text that is displayed.
GrantStuff gives a player free resources.
- Player - The index of the player to be hooked up
- Metal - The amount of metal being granted.
- Quanta - The amount of quanta being granted.
- Radioactives - The amount of radioactives being granted.
- Turinium - The amount of victory points being granted.
GrantTech gives a player a free Quantum Upgrade
- Player - The index of the player to be hooked up
- Tech - The upgrade to grant [ HPs | Weapons | Radar | BuildingHPs | MetalStorage | RadsStorage | NexusHPs ]
HidePanel hides UI panels.
- HidePlayer - Hide the Player panel
- HideRank - Hide the Rank panel
- HideResource - Hide the Resource panel
LetterBox disables commands and go to a cinematic, letterbox view.
- Enable - 1 to turn letterbox mode on, 0 to turn it off
- Snap - 1 to immediately go to/from letterbox mode instead of fading in/out
MoveUnit moves an army to a location without stopping to fight
- Name - Name of the unit to be moved
- Position - x/y coordinates to move to
- Repeat - 1 to repeat this command indefinitely. Use with multiple MoveUnit commands to create a patrol path.
- Stop - 1 to stop the unit
Objective is used to set objective notifications for the player (so they know what to do).
- Name - The name of the objective, use this name when checking or hiding it.
- Hide - If this objective should be hidden or not, usually this means the objective is complete.
- String - What the objective displays on the screen.
- SetCheck - If the objective checkbox is checked or not.
Restrict blocks the player from being able to access objects in the game.
- Type - Unit, Building, Research or Orbital. Whatever type of object that is being restricted.
- ID - The name of the object being restricted.
- Enable - Set this to 1 to enable the object. You can use this to restrict something early in the scenario and then enable it later on (for example: when the player accomplishes an objective or after a set amount of time).
Reveal reveals the fog of war over a location
- Name - The name of this reveal (so you can modify it with a later command)
- Enable - 1 to enable, 0 to disable
- Position - x/y coordinates of the center of the revealed area
- Size - Radius of the area to be revealed
- RadarSize - Use to add a radar component to the reveal. Can be used with Size="0" to create a radar-only reveal
SpawnBuilding places a building on the map.
- Name - The name you assign to the building.
- Template - The name of the building type being created.
- Player - The player who will own the building.
- Position - Where the building will be placed.
- NoDeath - Set this to "1" to make the unit immortal (you can still kill it with a scripted DestroyBuilding command)
SpawnUnit places a unit on the map.
- Name - The name you assign to the unit.
- Parent - The army the unit will belong to (used to make it easier to issue moves).
- Template - The type of unit being created.
- Player - The player that will own the unit.
- Position - Where the unit will be created.
Var sets or modifies a variable. Tip: Set any variable you want to use to 0 in the initial setup trigger to avoid unpredictable results. All values must be integers.
- Name - Name of the variable
- Value - The value to be used in the operation
- Min - Minimum value for random functions
- Max - Maximum value for random functions
- Operation - Operation to be performed
- "=" or "Set" - set to the value
- "+" or "Add" - add value
- "-" or "Sub" - subtract value
- "Rand" or "SetRand" - set to a random value between Min and Max
- "AddRand" - add a random value between Min and Max
- "SubRand" - subtract a random value between Min and Max
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